Business, featured

Elevator Pitch

An Elevator pitch is described as a summary of you, your business and your proposal. While this being true, there is more to it. It is about gaining the trust of your audience in your ability to run your business successfully and more importantly gaining interest.

If you meet a potential investor, your pitch should aim to gain the investor’s interest in your business and proposal. If it a skilled person, the aim would be gain his/her interest in your activity and project. Depending on your audience, the pitch needs to be adapted.

Remember, an elevator pitch isn’t a pitch to actually gain investment or gain a resource, its about gaining and generating interest within the appropriate circles. Its supposed to be quick, 1 minute or two at the max. So keep it short, punchy, and jargon free.

I hope you got some tips. Feel free to post your questions.

Source: BNet.
